Sunday, September 14, 2008

Breaking my babies hearts........

Kenneth and I had to make the heartbreaking decision of finding homes for our two beautiful kittens because all of a sudden I had a progessively worsening allergy to them. The kids have known for a week or more that I have been really uncomfortable and they knew there weren't alot of choices, especially good choices regarding keeping Sabastian and Spider. So my dear friend Dorothy took both of them. I was so greatful that they will still be together because they play and sleep together.
But it was so heartbreaking watching my tough little man crying so hysterically and Ashlyn looking at me so sadly with red watery eyes. It absolutely broke my heart. Laney was sad to but she's only two and seemed to be okay with the fact that they were now going to be with her friend Gwenny.
Dawson and Ashlyn both know that they will beable to visit with them and I am grateful for that. Though it doesn't lessen their heartbreak.

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