Monday, August 25, 2008

A Rock.......

So in early June Kenneth's mom asked me to paint a rock one of the nurses she works with found. I believe her neice found it and they thought it looked like a horsed head, and it did. Actually I thought it reminded me more of a cows head! So anyways I procrastinated. Kenneth's mom called several times about it. So I figured I better get my butt moving on it. I was kind of nervous about doing it because has been such along time since I was creative! So heres the finished product!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bronwen!
I can't believe it has taken me a week to finally get caught up with everything.. and I am only now getting to read this... I love the rock BTW. I have been itching to do some quilting..however, b/c it is so involved and dear precious NGB would only want to "help"... I haven't... but maybe a painting day would be good for us to both be creative!!